Front Desk Operations

MediCubes’ Front Desk module is designed to minimize decision making and data entry time in user friendly environment.

Billing and Cash Management

Billing and cash management can be a make-or-break for any organization and our system ensures agility and reliability in cash management as well as revenue assurance.

Lab Reporting and Operations

Delivering result reports was never so eay. MediCubes can automatically generate and deliver diagnostic reports through SMS, and E-mail in formats proffered by service provider.

Imaging Operations

MediCubes provide a well-organized software assistance to Radiology Reporting . The reporting templates help you in effective report writing.

Online Reporting Service

With this service, MediCubes allows its users to view and download their reports through a secured login on our online web-portal 24/7 anywhere around the globe.

Appointments Management

The Appointments module generate a schedule of availability of doctors to see patients. It supports booking, waiting and cancellation of appointments.

Inventory Management

MediCubes provides real-time inventory tracking and automated purchase order generation to eliminate risks of stock outs and wastage resulting from material expiry or misuse.


The MediCubes accounts module has many powerful features to help you efficiently manage your general ledger, including flexible accounting periods.

Email Service

MediCubes also sends Email notifications of prepared and ready reports to patients.

SMS Notifications

MediCubes sends SMS notifications of prepared and/or ready reports to patients.

Prescription Management

With this service, MediCubes allows its users to view and download their reports through a secured login on our online web-portal 24/7 anywhere around the globe.

Documents Scanning

In medical, patients have printed reports and scans, which doctors use in diagnosis. MediCubes has the ability to interact with scans.